Coffee Shop Comfort

Heather Lee
5 min readMar 2, 2016

~I come for the coffee, but I stay for the comfort.~

When it comes to coffee shops, some order coffee and some do not.

Coffee houses are not exclusive to solely coffee-junkies, so for those of us who hate coffee, there’s got to be another attraction and don’t say the hot chocolate because it’s not found on the menu.

Rather, it’s the coffee-shop environment; a place with the power to wash away worries, fears and anxieties.

I love coffee shops for this one reason. It’s the only explanation for why a coffee-hater such as myself would love such a coffee-endorsing institution.

My Theory

The comfort of coffee shops is what draws people in and/or convinces them to stay, the coffee itself has really no bearing.

My Coffee-shop History

Now you have to understand, I tried to like coffee; I really, really tried.

I went to Starbucks and ordered popular drink after popular drink, but to no avail. It actually got to the point where each new drink gradually got more bitter. I was starting to lose hope, until one fateful day when I finally found my drink!

*strawberries and cream frappuccino*

Okay, so all hope was already lost. And it wasn’t just Starbucks coffee I tried, but all different kinds- even store bought with various flavored creamers. I actually came close once when using a chocolate flavored creamer, but turns out close only counts in horseshoe.

Where It All Started

Safe to say that soon thereafter I wanted nothing more to do with coffee shops. I was in that whole, “been there, done that” mentality and fine with it.

Then Hazels happened.

Unlike any coffee shop I’d ever been to, Hazels had so much to it. It wasn’t just a big barista station with a cash register and monotonous wooden furniture- this place had character.

What You See

From the outside, this is what you see:

Can you tell it’s a coffee shop? Yes. If not, there’s a big sign that tells ya so. But is it a well-known coffee shop? No, sadly.

It’s not a brand like Starbucks, they don’t have publicity like Starbucks, there aren’t three of them in a single town like Starbucks… its just not Starbucks.

But that’s what makes Hazels so great. It’s a hometown coffee shop instead of a monetizing brand. Its a place not known by its coffee, but rather its hospitality.

When you walk into Starbucks, you leave with customer satisfaction and a good cup of coffee, but when you walk into Hazels, you leave feeling like family. That’s honestly why Hazels was so appealing to me in the first place. I obviously wasn’t going for the coffee because as previously mentioned, I never acquired that taste. They do, however, make a mean white chocolate and marshmallow steamer.

What You Get

When you step into Hazels, it’s like stepping into another world; the entire atmosphere changes and worries simply vanish. When I walk in it feels like I’m walking into my house- it’s comfortable.

To the left upon walking in are cozy sitting areas where my favorite spot just so happens to be (wicker chair in the corner by the window). Then you got the high top tables (as seen above) and so much more that I sadly neglected to get pictures of.

The variety that Hazels has to offer makes it such a great hangout spot, getaway and safe haven.

It’s also such an open space that you don’t really hear any of the the coffee action; like the crushing of ice in blenders or shuffling of coffee beans. It’s not roaring like other coffee shops around. Some people actually enjoy all that noise while all it does for me is set my teeth on edge. Hazels found of minimizing all that, though, by means of a unique set-up and subtle country music (courtesy of 92.7).

The Things I Love

  • Instantly, I feel like a kid in a candy store.

This view is what you first see upon entry; they are trying to draw you in and I love that. It’s intriguing.

It’s pretty tasty, too.

C’mon now, who wouldn’t love these cups?! They’re awesome! Especially that one in the middle there with the faces. These mugs have their own personality just like Hazels has theirs. The individuality of this place can’t even compare to others that I’ve been to.

  • They have the potential of becoming a brand.

Hazels can be as big as Starbucks some day, I’m sure of that, but the question is do they want to be?

Hazels is a family owned business; they may want to stay small and local. I don’t call it a hometown coffee shop for nothing, you know.

But if they wanted to expand they wouldn’t be losing that special quality- maybe capitalizing on it,but by no means losing it.

They’ve already got a name and a logo, so if they wanted to expand they’d be off to a good start. Word of mouth would work too because it’s already worked on me and selling memorabilia is major because people will notice and start asking, “What’s Hazels?”.

Bottom line is they already have a brand and if they decided to maximize on it, I feel they would be successful. But if they want to stay hometown heroes because that makes them happy, then that’s fine, too.

Hazels’ Perspective

Like I said, Hazels is family owned and a hometown coffee shop. It’s a local business, which is what a lot of people appreciate because they’re money is staying in town, therefore, supporting the local economy of St. Joe.



If you go to coffee shops for the coffee or hot chocolate in a homey environment, go to Hazels. Now you don’t have to go to just Hazels, but at least give it a shot because it’s worth it and you won’t regret it.

All photo credit- Heather Groenke

